Product Advice
A classroom visualiser is a lot more than just a camera connected to the screen. When a high specification visualiser is used creatively and correctly, it is a powerful teaching tool.
The following are a few ideas for how a visualiser can be used by a teacher, shown by subject area.
- Show the class how to use tools such as protractors and calculators. You could even record your demonstration and leave it playing on a loop
- Explain how to construct charts and graphs. You can show exactly how to do this and which tools to use
- Ask students to try to complete a puzzle whilst the class watches
- Place a variety of 2D and 3D items on the visualiser and ask the children up to separate them out according to criteria, inviting peer assessment
- Learn about symmetry. With a mirror image function, you can explain about reflection, symmetry and angles
- Demonstrate how to use a dictionary or thesaurus. Then ask children to come up and look up words to check they have understood
- Use for guided reading and writing work. You can clearly demonstrate procedures such as letter formation for the whole class to see
- Build up word lists for spelling and comprehension
- Show any sort of text, image or drawing. Any small book becomes large and visible
- The whole class can see any printed item without the need for photocopying
- Whilst reading aloud, display items in large scale using the visualiser adding an exciting visual element to our teaching and helping younger children fully understand
- Display printed and pupil-drawn maps and use the zoom function to show specific areas
- Use a pupil-controlled mobile device so they can annotate photos of their community
- Display photographs of different countries and cultures, without spoiling the original
- Ask the children to find their own school site on an aerial photograph. Use the zoom feature to see what familiar items they can spot
- Compare a variety of seeds and discuss the differences
- Display a vegetable, photograph it discuss, and repeat each day for a week to record the process of decay
- Show different types of plants and flowers and label the parts
- Safely show living things such as insects to the whole class
- Display tiny items in magnified detail and annotate different parts
- Demonstrate how a magnet works. Ask children to bring up items to see if they are magnetic or not
Lots more ideas available in our interactive Guide to Classroom Visualisers – view online free now!
Or if you’d like to discuss these ideas, if you have or own or if you’d like a demonstration, please contact our specialist team.